

"I want to continue your friendship for rest of my life "

"I hope we remain friends forever ".. and so on these were few lines that I found in my Slam Book. People who wrote this are not in contact with any.They have their own set of friends from their work place and forget the ones from college.

Its normal dude, why do u want to make a fuzz of it now ?????

Of course it is normal and I am not making a fuzz of it. It is the hypocrites that I am bothered about.There was this one guy who cried like a girl in our farewell an created such a scene as if he is going to miss us more than anything but never bothered to keep in touch with any after college.It is so funny to see photos of that guy crying in farewell now... :) As for the others they are in touch somehow or at least make an attempt to be in touch with. I am really happy about it. After all, everyone has their own life to be taken care of and everyone has very little time for friends in this competitive world.Everyone has to accept this bitter fact. At the same time it does not mean that you don't have time for a call or mail or even a scrap. That sounds ridiculous to me.

What prompted me in writing this blog is many of my friends didn't turn-up to check on me after a surgery which I had recently in my spine. I was really dis-appointed. I am not blaming the ones in Chennai. Travelling 450 Kms just to check on me is not a great a trip to make ... :) She1 from " NEWFORT " who was very stubborn being friend with me didn't even care calling me. Another called saying that she would drop by but never did, but she did call me back again for some help.Bloody selfish :-/. Even after me reaching chennai only few close friends came home and many were busy with their business and didn't find an hour to meet me.One of my close friend who used to visit me often didn't even help me get some stuff and that was a great shock to me.Nevertheless I had to overcome it and did so with some pain.Now I DEAFA, I was like this a year back and was never caught in the emotional battle. But these 5 months of after surgery life has been tough. But it has only made me more stronger in mind than I was before :)

"That one thing which does not kill you can only make you stronger"

And now you know what we have LOST in this Modern, Competitive and Mechanical world.

So does this mean that none cared or loved or helped me in these 5 months ? Well I would be an idiot to say yes. It would be unfair not to write about them.Many have helped me to get over and I should really thank all for their help. Couple of my school friends would visit me daily with another friend of us and that was a great help as we laughed talking of the good old days....:) Another from Finland and few from US and Singapore would call me once in a while and that was soothing. Couple of other friends met me when I was in ICU and couple others met me after reaching Chennai.Of course my family members has been supportive throughout without whom I wouldn't have become normal as I am today. There were days when I was not able to walk also :(.... Many others from my office and college prayed for my good health and I am really overwhelmed by their love and care. Above all my sweetheart who has been with me all through this and will be with me throughout my life.

Love you all :)
I hope I run and ride bike and be normal as i was before in another one year..... :)