
The act of inutility....." CRYING "

Even before me starting this Topic Let me tell u guys that
"I Hate crying to the core." though many tend to.

I am still not aware what people gain crying in front of everyone. Many say that you feel much better when you cry to someone you are so close with. I strongly believe that you are making them feel sad too. I don't like people crying and especially when boys do that, I hate them a lot. Even I have cried once in my life and felt really ashamed and still feel ashamed for that.

I don’t like people who sob in public. Farewells and Funerals are some functions where they tend to sob a lot. People crying on the farewell day should be so stupid. They should be matured enough to accept the change and get along with it after all these are expected throughout our life. Guys don’t be surprised when people cry in the funeral parties I can bet u that 90 % cry just for the sake of it. If time permits try to attend some of the funerals of an elderly person. People would be celebrating his or her death waiting for their share of the property but still cry trying to show that they feel so bad for the demise. This is the worst case ever possible in this world to cry. This is all true people.

Even in marriages the brides tend to cry a lot. God, I really wonder what on earth makes her to sob. The art of crying is always a essence of females. They trend to cry a lot and some even use that to fulfill their wishes. Poor Males, they are so moved when they see those crocodile tears. By the way "I am not a Male Chauvinist". I do have a great deal of respect for the females.

I can feel everyone reading till this point must be thinking this guy has no feelings at all. Well I do feel sad but Crying is not going to help you in anyways. Just sit down and think what’s going wrong in your life and the ways to bring it back to the normal track. That will make more sense rather than Crying.

Happiness is to be shared and Sadness is to be kept as a secret always.

Crying is always an "ACT OF INUTILITY"


Anonymous said...

Dei, its nice to read what you feel. I like listening to ppl. But why are trying to impose your views on others?

Its perfectly human to cry. For some crying helps them in relieving their pain. For some it doesn't. Big Deal.

About gals crying a lot, buddy, they aren't gifted like men. Men are really blessed with the gift of expressing themselves. Women aren't. They express it thru tears :-). Accept that.

Finally, Don't take it offending man. Good post. Keep it coming!

Nagasaravana Perumal K I said...

@ anoy
Hey thats was a sarcastic one da...

@ alterego
I wonder who you are.I have accepted ur commnts and thanks for ur criticism....It was not offending though u tried to.....

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha Naga dei well tell me this da does sneezing or burping sound good , esp in public ? how many can control it ? most of the time u cant right ? :-D this is also the same man , iam not talking abt the crocodile tears or the false ones , its the genuine ones, tears come to keep ur eyes wet n well its some sort of lubricant to ur eyes n eye lids da, but humans have the sense to show our emotions thru facial expressions, laughter is one which keeps us unique in this world , n this tears too , how many times they well out of ur eyes when u laugh really hard , they do right ? it can be related to emotion but its nothing but a biological process man , yet another biological process that makes US - Humans unique , u r showing ur emotion n at the sametime keeping ur eyes lubricated :-) don stop them out , cry when u feel like :-D

Anonymous said...

i differ in opinion
i am supporting ppl who cry and get things done.
as in ppl cry to get noticed and get things done easily

but cry is related to the emotions of the person.
can u imagine Roger federer in tears when u won Aussi Open
can u imagine Glen mgrath the toughest criketer on planet in tears on harsha bogle's cricket talk show when he was asked to speak abt his wife and his breast cancer foundatino he is heading

so its based on emotions.
some ppl break up when they they are touched on sensitve issues.

its human being nature to shed tears lets not distinguish that guys shouldn ot cry and women can cry

whether he keeps to himself or others its diff debate.

-Nice post

Anonymous said...

chi chi chi... waste boy.. naga is not allowing ppl to post their comments... he is approving and all..

waste waste..


Anonymous said...

hey Naga
i missed the not in my previous comment
actually i intended this

am *NOT* supporting ppl who cry and get things done.
as in ppl cry to get noticed and get things done easily

Nagasaravana Perumal K I said...

It is good that u are not supporting da....But I agree to ur point that people who cry gets noticed than anyone else....

Anonymous said...

Its like this...

SNEEZE you get attention!
SHOUT you get attention!
CRY you get attention!

And if all three is done by a female,
You get more attention!

Anonymous said...

I like that.

Anonymous said...

Crying is not necessarily for getting attention or getting things thing .
I agree some do that .But not everyone .
it is just form of expresssing emotions and again not necessarliy grief .
I cry when I get angry and cant express it .I know one of my friends who cries when she is happy.
And for your example of bride crying in the marriage .it is not for getting attention .It is just the fear (anxiety )of what and how your life is going tobe and acceptance of the fact that life is not going to be the same.I am not saying that after marriage life is difficult .For guys it may not be bring about much difference but for gals it is totally different priorities in life,relations changes I guess I am drifting from the topic .
One more info
I too hate when guys cry
But you know it is good for health . Bottling up your emotions will become disaatrous when your saturation point comes .
Which varies for everyone
That is one of the very reasons
why you see oldies getting together and crying in the funerals and everyday morning following funeral for certain number of days . For everything that was followed in our custom there is a meaning .It is us who misunderstand that and make fun of that.I was also one .

Naga It was nice reading your blog .
This is first time I ever rote in anyone else blog

keep writing .. Meanwhile lemme also start my blog

Nagasaravana Perumal K I said...

@ Anonymous

Thanks for your comments.Well I am just curious to know ur identity.....you have not specified ur name/.....

TheZion said...


If someone wants to cry and someone doesn't,it is their wish to do that........

Crying is more natural most of the times.....

You where born crying!!!!!

No one in this world has born laughing,,,,,remember you should cry if you think that you should laugh!!!

It is another human thing Naga!

Nagasaravana Perumal K I said...

@ Prabeesh

Recenlty i read an article stating that crying when you are sad helps u to avoid Tumours, Cancers etc...

But still i have the ego telling me that crying is an act associated only with females and not males....I am sorry abt that...but thats what i feel....

Mithra said...

"Even in marriages the brides tend to cry a lot. God, I really wonder what on earth makes her to sob"

- do u have any change of opinion about this now :)

Anonymous said...

"God I wonder what makes her sob so"

It no doubt has a lot to do with repressed emotions. Women and especially Indian women have been through alot begining in childhood. Many have had to take a back seat to the favoritism of boys. Many oh so and too many have been molested and carry that secret in private. Again Indian men have been allowed to say, do and go wherever they please and the issues can go on and on.

Maybe she didn't want to marry that guy but had too. Tears of today almost never about the present. They represent far too many painfully supressed emotions.

We all need to take a week of just to cry and bring ourselves to wholness thereby dissolving the ego.

Anonymous said...

hey your blog design is very nice, clean and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always like browsing your site.

- Joe

Nagasaravana Perumal K I said...

Thanks Joe.