
Tagged Again... :)

Tagged By.... ??? who else Nirmal Again

Here we go

1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
Bank Job in AMC here in Richardson. Damn good movie in all aspects... :)

2. What book are you reading?
Nothing off late.

3. Favorite board game?
Business. We owned cities and hotels when we were in 10th Std.... :)

4. Favorite magazine?
Nothing in specific.

5. Favorite smells?
Aroma of the sand when it rains and petrol.

6. Favorite sounds?
Birds Chirping and water Gushing

7. Worst feeling in the world?Being Cheated

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Different things each day.

9. Favorite fast food place?
TAPCO in Madurai. The shop was closed long back. But thats were i had my first Fried Rice.

10. Future child's name?
It should start with Sakthi...( I have to consult with my Better half also )

11. Finish this statement. "If I had lot of money I'd....?"
Enjoy life like anything.... :)

12. Do you drive fast?
At times. When there is a need.

13. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Never in my life.

14. Storms - cool or scary?
Of course scary.

15. What was your first car?
Yet to get one.

16. Favorite drink?
Jil Jil Jigardhanda from Madurai.

17. Finish this statement, "If I had the time I would...."?
Spend that with my Girl.

18. Do you eat the stems on broccoli?

19. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
Light Brown.

20. Name all the different cities/towns you've lived in?Madurai,Chennai,Bangalore,Richardson

21. Favorite sports to watch?
F1, Football ( Club ), Womens Tennis .... :)

22. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?
Nirmal is dedicated in anything he does. As far as i know.

23. What's under your bed?
Carpet. I use a comforter to sleep.

24. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
I would love too.

25. Morning person, or night owl?
Morning person. I wake up at 6 or 7 no matter at what time I sleep.

26. Over easy, or sunny side up?
Honestly speaking I didn't understand the question.

27. Favorite place to relax?
Sofa at my home.

28. Favorite pie?

29. Favorite ice cream flavor?

30. Of all the people you tagged this to, who's most likely to respond first?
I am not tagging anyone. Actually i don't know anyone in the blog world and the ones I know have been already tagged.

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