1st Knot - Themselves
2nd Knot - Relatives
3rd Knot - Society
The meaning for the 3 knots that we tie around the girl on our wedding,according to some commercial for a Jewellery shop which I came across while watching Saroja in Sathyam Cinemas. What made me remember the ad was not the colourful saree the model wore,not the jewels that she had,not the music which was impressive and not even the Model herself who was gorgeous, but just the voice.People trying to make any guesses can stop now.It was none other than the voice which you have heard number of times saying
" En Iniya Tamil Makkalae
Ungal paasathirkuriya ???????? "
He has such majestic voice that he was able to score more than anything and anybody else in the commercial just with his few words. Really Impressive... !
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