
Mind = ???

You are turning out to be a sentimental guy.
- Rajesh

There is some kind of an negative pattern in your recent blogs.
- Sayee

These were few comments that I got from my friends for the blogs I have posted recently.Few others also reflected same comments reading my blog.So I just sat back retrospecting the stuff that I had written for the past 6 months and what my friends felt seemed true to me.There was quite a dose of bad energy in those blogs except the last one which I wrote for my 25th Birthday.But it was accidental that the blogs had a pattern which were mere incidents in my life :)Those incidents have changed me for good."That one thing which doesn't kill makes you stronger".But certainly I have not become a sentimental guy as my friend Rajesh has guessed.Even now I am predominantly a brain ruler,at the same time I am not denying the fact that I do decide from heart at times.

My zoology teacher once asked "Where is our mind ?".Back then we were flabbergasted by this question and we were not able to justify our answers.He was witty enough to counter all the reasoning we gave them then.At last we just lost the hope of convincing him with our answers.But the interesting fact at the end of the discussion was that all 20 odd people in the class had only 2 answers and they were Brain and Heart.Little did we know that Mind is just a mixture of both Heart and Brain.

I have heard people saying that he is a Heart ruler and she is a Brain ruler.So does that mean the Heart ruler makes decisions based only on what is heart says and he doest not put his brain to use and the vice-versa for the Brain rulers.. :) Of course not, the factor to differentiate is the percentage of what they use the most in most circumstances.I bring in another factor circumstances as many would use both heart and brain interchangeably depending on the circumstances.For instance a Manager may sack a person just like that using his brains but when he has something for an employee then he tends to hesitate and that is where the emotions come into picture.So for the same situation a person can use either.So in my personal opinion it is only the mind which is responsible for the decisions we make and not just the heart or the brain.

Mind is responsible for one's thoughts as well as feelings.Ones knowledge and intellectual ability depends on their Mind which is fed by both heart and brain.In simple there is not a single person the world in who is 100% either Heart ruler or 100% Brain ruler.Every human is basically a Mind ruler where heart and brain have their share to play.So where is this mind now ??? Back to square one the 8th std question and the answer is yet to be found. .... :) Let me know if anyone can come up with the answer.

As to me Mind is something logical which is wandering between heart and brain taking sides then and there :) I am sure I can justify my Zoo teacher if at all I get to meet him now.

So finally I have broken the jinx with no such patterns as felt by my friends.
One final thing " I am also a mind ruler with brain playing the most part :) "


Nimme said...

this blog post is very much like the community heart vs head!

It is unknown to everyone! Sometimes we make a mistake in labeling people as hearts and heads!

I think i would go with mind in brain!

This is a never ending debate being what is more successful ?

But we need heart to be in peace and head to survive

Mithra said...

Kalaku Naga.. Day by Day improvement :)

where is mind??? Gud question though.. Difficult to answer :) Much much similar to "which came first ? chicken or egg" :)

what u say is obsolutely right.. u cant say a person is always a mind ruler , cos he too takes decision listening to heart at times..

Can we give an answer to where our life is (uyir) in our body ?? ppl die of heart attack..issues with brain..they die.. something like blood cancer.they still die. :)

So.. i don think we can get answer for either.. :)

Basically we cant relate our thoughts with something physical like brain or heart.. Cos.. we all have a heart and brain, 99% alike in structure & function.. But no one thinks similar.. :)

Anonymous said...

dude u do have become a lot senti these days :D definitely not the same easy-go-lucky cool dude tat i met 4 yrs back :D anyways its for d gud ;-) it gives a mature look now !

Nagasaravana Perumal K I said...

@ Nirmal
Well we need both working in harmony for a good life as u have told.

@ Mithra
Nice point :)
@ Deepak

Well u are right in the sense i have become matured but sure if I am sentimental... I doubt that :)